• 灏煜资本

    Haoyu Capital Management

  • 关于我们


    Haoyu Capital is a global private equity firm with offices in Beijing and Shanghai. Through our unique approach of identifying and creating opportunities across various industry sectors globally, we aim to add value while achieving attractive risk-adjusted returns.

  • 灏煜团队

    灏煜资本拥有一支由 10 名专业人员构成的团队,分布在全国两个办公室。我们的专业投资人员在全球市场均经历过多个高低起伏的市场周期,且大部分成员在加入灏煜资本之前曾长期共事,形成了一个具凝聚力且高效的团队。我们的团队跨行业、跨地域地合作,共同为尽职调查和投资流程提专业的见解和本地经验。

    Haoyu Capital has a team of 10 professionals across two offices. A majority of the team have significant experience working together previously, creating a cohesive and effective team. Our team collaborates across industries and geographies to incorporate professional insights and local knowledge which brings the team's significant collective experience to bear on investment diligence and the investment process.

  • 业务领域


    Private Equity


    Real Estate


    Asset Management


    Special Situations


    Investment Advising